Sunday, April 4, 2021

June Quilts Another Great Show

Still working on catching up, slowing getting back up to speed.  I've got all of the photos, all 761 of them!  Seems overwhelming, but I'm still plugging away.  

No better way to start this post than with a true Covid quilt.  Enjoy! 

Beth Anne's solution on what to do during Covid, make a Covid quilt.  Finished off with a super fun quilting design.  Bright colors really make this one shine.  Backing selected with the impact of the virus coverage.  Clever.

Lisa kept me busy for a few days,  each quilt better than the last and when you start off great it's a challenge to get better but that she does!  Simple with dramatic results, seems to be all about color selection and she's an expert!

Up next is a couple of bee quilts from Elizabeth.  I had the perfect bee/flower design for the quilting.  Nice gold and soft black fabrics are just perfect for these quilt patterns.

This quilt top and backing was donated to a guild that I am a member of.  I offered to help with the quilting and pass it along for the binding to be finished by another member.  It's final home was a local women's shelter.  

How cool is this ultra modern quilt from Penny?  I believe she will be using it as a wall hanging to help brighten up the room.  Lovely flowers with a heavier modern quilting design for the perfect finish.

That's it for the month of June.  Headed into knee replacement surgery and there won't be any quilts for July.  I hope to be back with the quilts from August soon, once again not as many since I was attempting to take it easier than my normal pace for recovery.

Thanks for checking on me,

love to hear what you've got to say...........

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