Just take a look at this....
This came home yesterday in the hands of my 16 year old son. This delicious, wonderful, chocolaty, creamy treat made a 30 minute bus ride, sat in his locker (I don't like to think about this part, thank goodness it's wrapped) for 4 hours and was handed to me when I picked him up from the bus stop. Isn't he wonderful?? We are total into these little chocolate pies!! There were no Whoopie Pies in Indiana, but here....yum!!! This kid has tried to talk the recipe out of the lady that sells them, but no deal. She isn't allowed to share the school's secrets for making these wonderful little bits (they are pretty large actually, and probably a ga-zillion calories, but I don't like to think about that either) of goodness. We've tried pies outside of the school, you can find these treats everywhere, but the school's pie has a whipped cream-I'm thinking Cool Whip-middle!!! Anyone have secrets they'd like to share???
I needed that sugar rush this morning. I'm looking at this.....
It's the new closet/pantry in my kitchen. It's a blank slate and I need to figure out where to put the shelves. No problem, right. Think about it, if you could make a closet how exactly would you BEST fit it all together? It's not that easy to try to get all of the shelves in the BEST location. See why I'm the Empress (female Emperor) of Blocks?? It's hard for me to permanently place things!! UGH!
I'm reading Barb's blog and laughing my head off remember the high that I had when I purchased China off of Craigslist. Now, I swore that I'd never own "good china". I LOVE my Corelle. LOVE IT!! But when we were selling our house in Indy I needed to stage the dining room. HA!!! Not a good idea to stage with Corelle, and if I did what we we be eating off of?? Sooooo.....off to Craigslist to see if I could find some reasonably priced China. I did okay...my first set (notice I said my "FIRST" set) was $30. My second set was about $150, and the last set I think was about the same price. The last set that I purchased was in boxes marked Grandma T's China, sad. Poor Grandma T, some stranger has her china!! But I love it. Here's a picture of my China (so I'm not outdone by Barb).

Isn't it lovely???? lol!! Remember the blank kitchen pantry?? Kitchen is not done therefore half of my stuff is still in boxes from when we moved from Indy!! I have boxes that I actually marked "kitchen second move" which means when kitchen is done. Now, I'm still cooking and stuff. I occasionally have to go digging through the boxes in the basement where the kids hang out. (it will be family room someday...) It looks like this. The boxes in the far right are the ones that I am constantly digging through. I am rolling my eyes as I write this....yep, pretty pathetic!! But see that big silver thing? That's part of the new furnace, we've already installed two of those and heat came before kitchen since it gets pretty cold here in New Hampshire!
Okay to keep this somewhat about quilting here is my latest purchase.....
SCORE!!!!!! These little puppies cost me $6 each!! Fantastic!!!! I'm set for a while. Next time I find a fabulous deal like this I'll share, promise. I found this deal about 3 hours before the end of the sale!! Cool Beans!!
Before I sign off.....don't forget to check out all of the links on my sidebar, I list all of the giveaways that I find. If you are having one and would like to be placed on my sidebar just let me know!!
Have a fabulous day!!
Thanks for checking on me,
love to hear what you've got to say.......